News & Blogs
5 Factors That Influence Water Softener Cost
Replacing a water softener is an investment, and you’re certainly not the first person to experience sticker shock. After all, like most appliances, water softener
Why is There Standing Water in My Water Softener Salt Tank?
Seeing standing water in your brine tank can be a little disconcerting. Isn’t it supposed to just be salt? Well, that depends. For some households
Copper, Zinc, Iron, Oh My! Why Do I Have Metallic Tasting Water?
Depending on where you live and the source of your household water, you may notice that your water has a specific “flavor.” For many people,
Softener Salt Vs. Sidewalk Salt: What’s the Difference?
Here in Minnesota, our water is naturally hard and we deal with a lot of iced-over sidewalks in the winter. To solve both problems, we
4 Reasons Your Water Softener May Be Causing Low Water Pressure
Are you experiencing low water pressure? That’s so frustrating. Did you know your water softener could be the culprit? There are several ways that water
Water Softener Troubleshooting: 7 Top Issues and How to Fix Them
Any major appliance in your home can break or stop working at any time, including your water softener. If you’re experiencing an issue with your